The catalogue index of my Chinese blog articles about Zhang Jian and my
proposal to apply a series of modern industrial cultural relics and remains in
Nantong-Tangzha for World Heritage (II)
part • articles
(下 • 第41~107篇)
By Yulizi (Jian QIAN)
This index is used to introduce 107
articles of more than 200 of my blog posts or short essays, answers, notes and
so on, that I have published on Sina blog, Weibo, WeChat, etc. from November
2011 to August 2022. Among them, the blue phrases (sometimes
discolored) which are not enclosed in brackets are the titles of Sina blog
articles, with only 43 serial numbers; Because any posts with different
publication dates but repetitive content are not included in the statistical
As far as the remains and relics of modern industry and commerce
of Nantong Tangzha, etc. in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China
are concerned, other comrades have investigated and studied a little earlier
than me. However, after studying the profound significance of Nantong's modern
industrial culture and the conditions, evaluation and actual conditions of the
world's cultural heritage, I was the first to put forward the opinion of
applying Nantong-Tangzha's modern industrial cultural heritage to the world
cultural heritage list, and for in-depth research. In 2002, the book "Research
on Nantong Tourism Development Strategy" planned by Mr. Shi Jing-qian,
Secretary-General and Vice-Chairman of Nantong Political Consultative
Conference, was started to be compiled in research. I as a member of his
research team, finally completed a report on the topic in October of the
following year. My report under the title of the "Research on the
Branding and Development of Nantong Tourism Resources" are composed
with seven chapters with more than 50,000 characters is used as a part of the
book. The sixth chapter of my report is "New Suggestions for the
Protection and Utilization of Modern Communities in Nantong". The
purpose stated in that suggestion is to "prepare and try to declare the
original Dasheng enterprise group community, the modern community of Nantong,
to the United Nations as a world cultural heritage".
This is a bold but serious initiative that has been proposed for
the first time in the theoretical and industry circles after my careful
research and thoughtful thinking. The three sections specifically discussed in
this sixth chapter are "Theoretical Possibility of Registering
Nantong's Modern Community in the World Cultural Heritage List",
"The Industrial Community in Irvine, UK and Its Application for World
Cultural Heritage as reference"; and "Preparatory work for
Nantong to declare a world heritage project".
Because this research can also be classified as one of the
"2003 Nantong Economic and Social Development Hotspot Issues
Research" of the Nantong Philosophy and Social Sciences Federation, the
Nantong Philosophy and Social Sciences Federation announced on December 16,
2003 The evaluation certificate and the second prize were awarded to my
scientific research report which examined this opinion. The book chief edited by
Mr. Shi Jing-qian, which included my long report, has been published but the
publishing date was delayed to March 2004 due to errors in the compilation and
printing of the catalogue, when It was officially published by the China
Literature and History Publishing House, Beijing.
In November 2007, another research achievement, “The Research
Report on the Protection and Utilization of Tangzha - Nantong Modern Industrial
Community Heritage” as the key project of Nantong philosophy and social
science research "Eleventh Five Year Plan" social science fund, which
report I presided over, was basically completed. The analysis on the
application for world heritage was enriched and the requirements were
increasingly systematized. In 2008, the Publicity Department of the municipal
Party committee selected several scientific research achievements and compiled
them into a booklet, which was distributed to the relevant departments of the
city for recommendation; This report chief compiled by me on the achievements
of the key projects of the social science foundation of the 11th five year plan
is in the forefront of being recommended. Since then, I have revised,
supplemented and reprinted this more than 156 page report several times.
Moreover, my related monographs, academic papers and professional
reports were not included. However, due to lack of time, it needs to be
completed in the future; It is also possible to print all the blog articles and
attach all the screenshots to record my efforts to study and promote the
application of this place for World Heritage in the past 20 years.
All the blog posts and so on are only a tiny amount, but they are
also meaningful, which are based on my research in
the nearly past four decades on the local region and
Zhang Jian with his business; A number of writings of different
lengths that have not been included in this index in
time and are not convenient to be disclosed on a large scale are also valuable.
Moreover, my related monographs, academic
papers and professional reports were not included. There is not enough time, so
it needs to be completed in the future; It should also be possible to print the
full texts of all the blog articles and attach all the screenshots of them
(except for those in the circle and in the group who have spoken with me and
clearly want me to display their names and dialogues, all other people's names on
the screenshots will be mosaiced and may not record their words) to
record my efforts over the past 20 years to study and promote the application
of this place for World Heritage.
The eight Arabic numerals in front of each article indicate the
date on which the article was published on the Internet. The countermeasures,
research reports, opinions, suggestions, etc. in this catalogue are often
completed many years before this date and submitted to relevant parties.
41. 20170205 〔去年派学生往各地找过张謇海图〕(微信)。
42. 20170319 〔议张謇大生论坛 (微信张謇·公众群)〕。
43. 20170418 A
giant stone tablet marking Shixia Academy with engraved calligraphy of Zhang
Jian under the Qiandao Lake water. 认出沉藏湖底的石峡书院巨匾是张謇所题 (按语及转文)(新浪博客)。
44. 20170526 〔《我与大丰的三份情》一文勾忆起我多年前的建议 (微信张謇·公众群)〕。
45. 20170530 〔释“南通的始点在唐家闸”(微信张謇·公众群)〕。 .
46. 20170906 A
monument fragment to history: the man who laid down his life for the Nantong
University 历史的碎碑:曾为今日的南通大学献出了生命的人(新浪博客)。
47. 20171202 〔想参观唐闸及忆申遗事(地方文史发展群)〕。
48. 20180405 Is
there another consideration for Zhang Jian to choose the "greatmerit is
for the growth of all things" as an intention of the name of his textile
mill? 张謇择“大德曰生”为厂名之意是否另有思考? (新浪博客)。
49. 20180421 Nantong, an undervalued
important node at maritime silk road: Interview with Qian Jian, Professor
at Department of History, School of Liberal Arts, Nantong University. 南通,被低估的海上丝路重要节点——专访历史学教授钱健(转)(新浪博客。若此旧版打不开,请点开此下的20210819重发的新版)。
20180418、20210819 Nantong,
an undervalued important node at maritime silk road:Interview with Qian Jian,
Professor in History. 被低估的海上丝路重要节点:南通-- 专访通大文学院历史系教授钱健(转发) (新浪博客)。.
50. 20180504〔答问是否见未志记中国许多大城市却标印唐家闸的地图 (微信答友)〕。
51. 20180606〔吸取过去市文物处等请外地两三个研究所做申遗报告的教训(微信答友)〕。
52. 20180625〔唐闸升级为古镇了?(微信公众参与)〕。
53. 20180709-10〔转发情深君的唐闸照片并说明谁最早提出工业遗产申遗及工作要求(微信公众参与)〕。
54. 20180727 A new name for the East Campus of
Nantong University and a new sentence of the School Anthem 答南通大学东校区新名之问兼议校歌新句 (新浪博客)。.
55. 20180815 Comments on the new
edition of schoolanthem of Nantong University issued in Mid August 对南通大学8月中旬版校歌的意见(新浪博客)。.
56. 20181108 〔应答对唐闸近代工业遗产等的网评 (微信朋友圈)〕。
57. 20190105 〔啬公的葬仪 (地方文史发展群)〕
58. 20190202 The
School Anthem of Nantong University Has Now Been Promulgated,
and the Past Work Relating to It Has Become History.
20210921 Asked to
Discuss on the School Anthem of Nantong University Which Has Been Promulgated.
Past Work Has Become History. 应约对南通大学校歌的讨论(新浪博客)。 .
59. 20190204 〔回复《谁来保护百年工业遗迹,小海宝昌纱厂》 (濠滨论坛)〕。
60. 20190204 Please protect
the industrial relics at the beginning of the Last century such as Xiaohai
Baochang Yarn Mill and Dingyan Textile Mill ASAP 希望能保护小海宝昌纱厂和丁堰织布厂等近代工业遗存 (新浪博客)。
61. 20190206 My speech about the Tangzha industrial heritage
62. 20110418、20190208 Former
president Chu Min-Yi’s absurd life 先校长褚民谊的癫狂人生(新浪博客)。.
63. 20190427 〔张謇为求学和进学而“冒籍”,是僵政窳败之罪 (微信答友)〕。
64. 20190504 〔答复所闻唐闸东工房属于职工宿舍涉嫌造假事 (微信答友)〕。
65. 20190615 〔对啬公功业的评价 (地方文史发展群) 〕。
66. 20190619 〔唐闸近代工业文化社区遭随意曲解、借用开发而被肆意摧残了 (微信公众参与) 〕。
67. 20190925-26 〔说唐闸拆真建假和建议唐闸南通仿莱茵河游等 (河口微信群)〕 。
68. 20191008 〔韩立明到泰后从头越,遂修成正果 (地方文史发展群)〕。
69. 20191109 〔汪树堂兄弟起头请重审杨乃武与小白菜及朝政 (地方文史发展群)〕。
70. 20191113 〔对伶工学社的新的期待 (濠滨论坛)〕。
71. 20191113 〔答问张謇在南通城开通公交的历史 (地方文史发展群)〕。
72. 20191117 The wind and clouds of the
official land with eight hundred years are totally scattering. 八百年官地的风云变幻(新浪博客)。
73. 20191128〔简议章开沅先生的高望和代表性 (微信留言)〕。
74. 20200108〔答述自己的唐闸申遗、十八里河口和陈桥地区史、张謇研究的眼下安排 (河口群)〕。
75. 20200316〔近代南通人在上海(地方文史发展群)〕。
76. 20200329、20200417 Zhang Jian matchmaking for Lv Bicheng to
marry Zhu Zongyuan. 张謇曾为吕碧城作媒使嫁诸宗元 (新浪博客)。
77. 20200403〔我与中国地学会及抢救白雅雨的故居 (地方文史发展群)〕。
78. 20200404〔长期无视人文历史的遗存而疯狂拆建 (地方文史发展群)〕。.
79. 20200616Correction of the Article "How Far
Is Nantong-Tangzha from the World Heritage" in Jianghai Evening New
对《江海晚报》载《南通唐闸离世界遗产还有多远》文的说明 s(新浪博客)。
80. 20200616-17〔与我微信互聊唐闸申遗事等 (微信笔谈)〕。
81. 20200617 〔经办者们多自以为是地想体现其肤浅认知中的世遗模样 (濠滨论坛)〕。
82. 20200618 〔我倡议申遗是希望能永久性地保护文化遗产而不为自己 (在《对〈江海晚报〉载〈南通唐闸离世界…》的评论)〕。
83. 20200618 〔旧工房群和旧街多拆光而另建新区致失珍贵条件 (微信公众参与群)〕。
84. 20200703Answering
Professor Cai's Question Why I Sigh 答蔡教授问为何感叹 (新浪博客)。
85. 20200703 〔答文化遗产的破坏者被定性为犯罪吗? (地方文史发展群)〕。
86. 20200705 〔诈用申遗之腐败行径摧毁了申遗的基础 • 之一、之二 (微信致友)〕。
87. 20200718 〔能当真保护历史性街区建筑的官员少之又少(微信聊友)〕。
88. 20200912
The research report on the protection and utilization of the heritage of the
modern industrial community in Tangzha-Nantong 《关于唐闸-南通近现代工业社区遗产的保护与利用的研究报告》之说明和简目 (新浪博客)。
89. 20200917〔在整理五年前答大生档案申报亚洲记忆名录的录音稿 (地方文史发展群) 〕。
90. 20210525 〔近二十年前我就开始提醒南通-唐闸的申遗要尽量赶在日本军舰岛之前 (微信朋友圈)〕。
91. 20210611 〔2021年6月11日参加本南通市“章开沅先生追思会”时钱健的发言 (20210629写发给小许)〕。
92. 20210806 〔我是从国人主导的在近现代的社会变迁、文化更俗以及政治改革等等所达到的高度上来探讨南通堪称近代第一城之论的 (地方文史发展群)〕。
93. 20110320、20210821
Valuable guiding document: Please Start Preparing Application Works for
the Legacies of the Tangzha-Nantong Modern Industrial Society (Town)
into the List of World Cultural Heritages. 认真推动把唐闸-南通近现代工业社区遗产申入世界文化遗产名录的工作(新浪博客)。
94 . 20210904 〔头等大事是补做完成对唐闸和濠南两街区的精确的测绘工作 (微信朋友圈)〕。
95. 20211026 〔商人的贪欲和官员的逢迎合力,清空了彼等所需的任何一块地皮上的建筑(江海文化群)〕
96. 20220106 〔赞张炽康文兼忆抄碑和保德肋撒堂事又答胡泓石问郁芑生像等的几节留言 (江海文化群)〕。
97. 20220114 〔几句说袁文 (地方文史发展群)〕。
98. 20220116 〔在预研究和预评估后斟拟的关于张謇的有研究价值和社会意义的两个学术暨科研项目的选题(微信供友人参考)〕。
99. 20220126
The first 10 pages of the second printed copy of the 10th edition of contents
compendium with some descriptions of Qian Jian's monographs that have been or
will be completed and prepared for publication. 《钱健已经或将要完成而拟备出版的专著的内容纲目及若干说明的汇编》第10版第2次印装本的总目及“说明”的前10页 (新浪博客)。
100. 20220218 〔略言骆先生考张謇是否拟清帝辞位诏之文 (微信答文)〕。
101. 20220528-0529 〔章先生给我们和未来人留下了一系列的史学遗产,遗泽深远。(微信朋友圈点赞和向看一看推荐茅海建和张绪武纪念章开沅的两文) 〕。
102. 2000709 The
catalogue index of Sina-blog articles by Yulizi (QIAN Jian)’s research in Zhang
Jian and declaring the modern industrial cultural society over Nantong-Tangzha
into the world heritage list 羽离子(钱健)研撰张謇及南通-唐镇近代工业文化遗产申报世遗的新浪博文的目录索引 (新浪博客)。
103. 20220710 〔囗囗基本停止囗囗囗囗囗囗囗的原因 (微信群友)〕。
104. 20220713 〔保护唐闸和申遗变成了一场浑水摸鱼的假面舞会的狂欢(在20220710所发稿上的补写件。河口群、张謇·公众群、地方文史发展群)〕。
105. 20220731 〔简告为何申世文遗的南通-唐闸工遗的拆建损益等不可能蒙混过世遗委组织的严格而精准的科学检测 (旧雨群)、后转河口群)〕。
106. 20220807-202208XX 〔答复南通-唐闸工遗申请世文遗之事的几篇信简(河口群、及待转发)〕。
107. \